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A - Z Index



Academic Renewal - Used for students who have sat out for more than five years and don't want to use any prior coursework.

Add Drop/Withdraw - Used for adding/dropping/withdrawing from a class. If dropping all classes, the Semester Withdraw form must be used (below).

  Add Forms

  • Add a course via MAVzone
  • Duplicate Course Override - Used to add two sections of the same course, such as two BIOL 396 topics courses. It can only be used on courses that allow multiple instances toward graduation. 
  • Maximum Hours Override - Used to adjust the maximum credits allowed for a student in a term. It will be routed to advisors and others for approval as needed.  A student with a 2.0 or above GPA will have a max credit limit of 18 credits in the fall/spring and 9 credits in the summer.
  • Special Override Email Request - Creates an email to the instructor(or processing office) for common registration errors such as instructor permission, prerequisite, corequisite, closed class, class level restriction, and major/department restrictions. Once reviewed, an email with an approve or deny will be sent to the student. If approved, the student will need to log into MAVzone registration to add the course. 
  • Time Conflict Override - Used to add two courses are the same time. The student is responsible for making arrangements with the instructor(s) for attendance and testing.
  • Course Late Add form  - Once you can no longer add online, you have a few days to add using this form (up to the published add date).  The student must address registration holds prior to submitting the form. The form will route to the instructor and if approved it would be routed to a registration processor. If declined by the instructor or due to holds, you will receive a response via CMU email. If not approved by the add deadline, the course is too late to add.

   Drop/Withdraw forms

        Drop - Drops the course from the record and adjusts tuition

        Withdraw - A grade of W on the transcript and no refund of tuition and fees

Address Update - Use for address, phone number and emergency contact updates.

Application - Used for new, transfer, and returning students.


Bad Address Hold Override - CMU has received returned mail from the postal service. Use this form to update your address and remove the bad address hold.    


Campus Map - Main campus map shows the locations of all buildings on the main campus.

Change of Schedule/Special Permission or Add/Drop-Add/Drop form used for adding and dropping classes.

COF Maximum Hour Appeal - Used when students exceed 145 COF hours.

Confidentiality - Used for students to limit the release of directory information.

Course Substitution Waiver - Can be used to substitute or waive specific requirements within a major/minor.

Credit By Exam - Used to test out of class if department agrees.

Credit for Prior Learning - Life experience credit through Portfolio Assessment.


Degree Works Course Substitution Waiver - Can be used to substitute or waive specific requirements within a major/minor.

Degree Works Issue Report Form - Can be used to report any errors or issues are found in your degree works report.


Emergency or Hardship Withdraw Request - A late withdraw request in the case of emergency or hardship between the midpoint and three-quarters point of a course.

Emergency Contact Update - Use for address, phone number and emergency contact updates.

English Hold OverrideA student who has completed more than 60 hours of course work will not be permitted to enroll in any additional courses until the student has registered for an English class in the upcoming term. Use this form to remove the English hold.   

Enrollment Appeals Form - Can be used for an exception to a specific policy or deadline regarding enrollment.

Essential Learning Course HoldA student who has completed more than 75 hours of coursework can be registered for the appropriate ESSL 200 and ESSL 290 course. Use this form to remove the ESSL hold.

Exchange Program Credit Agreement (NSE/ISEP) - Used by students participating in the National or International Student Exchange Program to have courses accepted by CMU.


Graduation Instructions - Handout for students planning on graduating within the next year.

Graduation Planning Sheet - Document to help verify the completion of all graduation requirements.


Holds - The Registration Holds webpage and has links to the common registration holds. Another option is to stay on this page and look for link to the specific hold.


Immunization - Used to provide documentation of immunization (two MMR shots) or medical exemption.

Intent to Graduate - Meet with your advisor to verify you can finish the classes in your intended semester.  If on track to complete as intended, then fill out this form ONE semester PRIOR graduation. 


Major / Minor Change - Used to request a change to a student's declared majors or minors. On submit, the student is sent an email with the name of the academic department that will process the form.

Math Hold (MH) - A student who has completed more than 60 hours of course work will not be permitted to enroll in any additional courses until the student has registered or the appropriate Math course as shown on the hold screen. Use this form to remove the MATH hold.   

MMR Immunization Records Hold (MI)By Colorado law, a student must have provide records of two measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) shots. Immunization records signed by a doctor's or appropriate health official or a positive titer test must be provided. For additional information, contact the Registrar's Office. Use this form to remove the MI hold.    


Name Change - For students who have changed their name. Along with the form, students must provide a legal documentation as proof of the name change.


Personal Information Update - Use for address, phone number and emergency contact updates.


Release of Information - Students may authorize another party to view or inquire about their student record by submitting an electronic form (e-form) through MAVzone. The e-form is located in MAVzone within the My Account tab. Under the “Student” drop-down, select “Student Authorized Release of Information” link.

Records Request - Used to request copies of items saved in academic records, except unofficial or official transcripts.

Request to Inspect/Amend Records - Used when a student would like to review and request an amendment to their academic record based on FERPA guidelines. This gives the student the right to verify that documents in the record are accurate. Requests to amend grades follow the policies in the Student Handbook. Other enrollment related appeals require a written request with supporting documentation provided to the Registrar Appeals committee.

Residency Petition - Used for out of state students who want to be considered in-state for tuition purposes.

Returning Student Application - Students use this link to the online application when they are returning after Academic Suspension or after two or more semesters away from CMU.

Room Request Form (online)- Study rooms and meeting rooms across campus are available for CMU students, faculty and staff to reserve on an as-needed basis. For all reservations, the room is provided as is with the amenities that are native to that location. Please review the Room Resources to ensure you pick the room that meets your needs. Reservations are only for CMU-related activities, all external organizations must go through the full reservation request.


Selective Service Online Verification - Used to verify a Selective Service number as well as the date he registered. Once registered please click the 'Verify Registration' link and send letter generated to

Semiannual Update - This form is completed twice a year to update addresses, phone numbers, and majors.

Semester Withdrawal Form - To be used only in cases where the student is completely withdrawing from a semester.

Social Security Change - Used when student's SSN has been changed or we need to verify SSN.

Social Security Request - Used when a student's SSN is not on file with the University.

Special Permission Forms - Used for when there are Registration add errors when registering for classes or when a course requires instructor's permission.

  • Duplicate Course Override - Used to add two sections of the same course, such as two BIOL 396 topics courses. It can only be used on courses that allow multiple instances toward graduation. 
  • Maximum Hours Override - Used to adjust the maximum credits allowed for a student in a term. It will be routed to advisors and others for approval as needed.  
  • Special Override Email Request - Creates an email to the instructor(or processing office) for common registration errors such as instructor permission, prerequisite, corequisite, closed class, class level restriction, and major/department restrictions. Once reviewed, an email with an approve or deny will be sent to the student. If approved, the student will need to log into MAVzone registration to add the course. 
  • Time Conflict Override - Used to add two courses are the same time. The student is responsible for making arrangements with the instructor(s) for attendance and testing. 

Stop Out Update Hold (RT)A student who has stopped attending for one semester (excluding summer) will need to update key contact information. A student who sits out more than one semester must fill out a Returning Student Application. For additional questions on this hold, contact the Registrar's Office

Suspension Appeal (Academic only)- Used when a student experiences a suspension (student is not in good standing and represents a temporary, involuntary separation of the student from the University) that is due to substantial non-academic circumstances outside the student’s control and wished to appeal the separation period.


Transcript Request - Please review all the options for obtaining a CMU transcript on our transcript page

Transcript Request Financial HoldColorado Revised Statutes 23-5-113.5 authorizes a postsecondary institution the ability to withhold transcripts and diplomas to a current or former student, on the grounds that the student owes a debt for tuition, room and board fees, or financial aid funds. An exception can be made for students who are requesting and can demonstrate that the transcript or diploma is needed for certain purposes. Transcripts/Diplomas are not released directly to the student but to the job/institution/government for the request. This exception does not apply to foreign students. Please review all the options for obtaining a CMU transcript on our transcript page and complete Financial Hold Transcript Request eform as directed. 

Transfer to Baccalaureate Program - Used for students in an Associates program but want to be in a baccalaureate program.

Transfer Agreement - Used by students who want to take classes at other colleges and transfer it back in.


Verification of Enrollment - For current students, the most convenient way to obtain a verification of enrollment is to use the Enrollment Verification link. You can also find this link in MAVzone under "My Account" under the "Student" drop down.

These are available for you to print upon request. If you have any trouble with this link you can fill out and submit the Verification of Enrollment form, however, it does require a 5-7 day turnaround time for the form to be completed.

Veteran's Information

Veteran's Enrollment Certification Request


Withdraw from a Course - Prior to completing the form, the student should work with the instructor on the possibility of successful completion of the course. Once the student submits the form, the instructor will receive a an email notification the student has withdrawn. 

Withdrawal from all Courses in a Semester - To be used only in cases where the student is completely withdrawing from a semester.

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